National Popcorn Day

Arath Gaytan

I like the flaming popcorn because it is the most delicious snack when you go and watch movies. I prefer having jalapenos on it because it adds a little juice to it and afterwards eat the jalapenos as well. I think that the popcorn of the movies is way better because you can prepare them the way you want it and have more options of individual popcorn. When I go to the movies, I mix popcorn flaming hot with butter popcorn. I try to avoid eating popcorn at the beginning and save them specifically for the movie.’

Dafne Alvarado

Well I like the butter popcorn, because it is the basic ones. I like putting Valentina on them, it makes them like a little soggy and adds a very delicious spicy flavor. I like popcorn from any place, I like all of them, I think they’re all very tasty. I don’t really get any other type of popcorn, I just stick with the butter ones. Obviously I eat popcorn when watching a movie, that’s what they are made for.’ 

Ezequiel Briones

I like when I have popcorn that have chips on them, it makes a crunchy feeling very nice. I don’t put anything on them, specially salsa, because I don’t like chile. I only eat popcorn in the movies, I don’t eat it as a snack nor anything. My favorite combination with popcorn is with chips on them. I usually wait for the movie to start to start eating, so I can actually enjoy them.

Josue Aguirre

‘I like the classic popcorn, I never get any other kind. I usually add Valentina to them, it makes it taste way better and also adds a spicy taste to it. I only eat popcorn when I’m watching any movie, besides that, I don’t normally eat popcorn. I don’t get combined popcorn, I only settle for the butter ones. Usually, I start eating when the movie starts so I can enjoy them.’

Giovanna Nunez

‘I like butter popcorn, that’s the only kind of popcorn I get. I like Valentina and jalapenos on them, I don’t have a favorite, both of them are pretty good. I think popcorn from movies taste better than homemade or microwaved, they definitely have a different taste. I don’t like combined popcorn, I only get the normal ones. Of course I eat them during a movie, that’s what they’re made for, no?’

Adolfo Guerra

‘I enjoy the taste of it, it has a unique and delicious flavor. Caramelized is my favorite kind, I enjoy a lot of sweet things. The time I eat the most popcorn is when my family and I watch films together. I believe this day is important because it highlights the importance of the most common foods, food a lot of people enjoy.’

Martin Robledo

‘It’s really good, something you can really enjoy. Butter flavor popcorn is my favorite kind, I don’t go for anything crazy. Like everyone else, the time I eat the most popcorn is when I’m watching a movie. This day is a thing now because popcorn is a very popular food that many people enjoy. I don’t really have a favorite topping, I like almost any kind of topping on it.’

Irvin Vidal

‘My favorite kind of popcorn are the classic ones, I don’t really like any other type. I eat popcorn normally when I am at a theatre, besides that, I don’t eat that much. This day is important because many people enjoy this, many people eat this and it shows how important this snack is. The only thing I like putting on my popcorn is sauce, I don’t put any other things on it.’

Jonathan Estrada

‘My go to popcorn are Flaming Hot, I really enjoy eating spicy food. Normally, I only popcorn when I am in like any kind of fair or especially at movie theaters. I never heard of a day so called “Popcorn Day”, I didn’t have a clue it existed. I don’t really like adding anything to my popcorn, I like eating them alone.’

Gabriel Zamarripa

‘My favorite kind of popcorn is the classic ones, butter. I mostly only eat popcorn when I am at the movies, besides that, I don’t eat them. This day is important because it is something many people enjoy eating, something important to us. My favorite toppings I like putting on my popcorn is sauce and lemon.’

Leo Ibanez

My favorite flavor for popcorn is cheddar. I usually just keep it dry and regular but if anything I would add nacho cheese. I’m not a big fan of it but I usually eat it when I go to the movies or just for a small snack , but I don’t eat it often, I might eat it at home when I’m watching TV or playing video games. I like it because it’s quick snack and there’s different flavors for it.

Jennifer Belmontes

My favorite popcorn is butter popcorn. Most of the times I add hot sauce to my popcorn. I eat popcorn at least once a month, at the very least. Sometimes I eat popcorn at home, but most of the time is when I’m at the movies or something. I think that popcorn has a unique taste and that’s why I like popcorn.’

Dani Rodriguez

My favorite type of popcorn is butter. I do not add anything to my popcorn, I just eat them dry. I usually just eat popcorn when I am watching a movie or when I am at my girlfriends house. It’s just a snack I like, I don’t think it is something special.’

Emily Badillo

My favorite popcorn is the one at the movies. I usually add lots of butter and cheddar. I eat popcorn like every month or even more than that. I eat sometimes at home with my little brother, and anywhere I can buy some. I like it because it’s good and easy to make.’

Marcos Adame

My favorite type of popcorn is Butter Lover. I usually add Salsa Valentina to my popcorn, almost every time. I do not eat that often, just every now and then. I eat popcorn at home when playing table games or spending time with my family, I like them because they are very delicious and something easy you can make.