Mr. Funny Guy

See how a Math teacher uses humor to get through with his students.


Atziry Aguilera and Maria Amaya

A teacher’s job is difficult enough, so getting along with students can make their jobs easier. The Growler caught up with a math teacher to ask how he gets along with his students.

Mr. Candelario Barragan is a teacher who loves to joke with his students. Whenever Barraga remembers a joke that is somehow related to the conversation in the classroom, he tells it. Barragan always has a joke for every occasion, no matter if it’s in English or Spanish. Barragan was a student at Bowie High School and graduated at number one of the 1993 class. Barragan understands the humor of his student and is sure to make his students laugh every time they get in his class.

Barragan taught at Bowie from 1996-2000, then he went to Mountain View, Fabens and El Dorado from 2000-2012. Barragan came back in 2012 as a math instructional coach. Then, Barragan went to Clint High School from 2014 to 2016. He always wanted to teach at Bowie and the only reason he had to go to Clint was because there was no jobs available as a teacher, and he wanted to be in a classroom. He came back in 2016 to his favorite school because he wanted to teach kids the same way he was taught, which made him stand out from everyone. Barragan likes to joke with his students the most.

“I’ve been to many family events and tell jokes there, but they kind of get old. My students are like ‘oh, my teacher is telling jokes,’ and that is always pretty cool,” Barragan said.

Not only is Barragan a funny teacher, he also tries to give good advices or life lessons that would make you a better person or change the way you see life. Sometimes Barragan explains or tries to give a lesson by making a joke. For him, laughing is very important and the best way to teach what he loves, math.  



  • “One time, I went to an elevator with my nephew, and then a woman with crossed eyes got into it. Then when we got off the elevator. I told my sobrino que mijo lo estaba viendo a usted. Oh me estaba viendo ami? Y luego me dice “pues a los 2 tío.” Y luego dice mi suegra “hay pues ni que estuvieran tan buenos.’’
  • “Una vez entro una mujer bien fea a una tienda y una señora le preguntó oiga disculpe, sus niños son cuates?” y le dijo No, este tiene 3 y ese 8, porque piensa que son cuates?” a lo que la otra le contesta No perdón es que it’s hard to think that someone had two kids with you…”-Cande Barragan
  •  “Estaba una señora con su bebé gritando “auxilio auxilio” y le dice otra que pasa?” a lo que esta contesta “es que mi hijo se comió una moneda y sé está ahogando” y la otra le responde pues llévelo a la iglesia, ahí le quitan todo su dinero”-Cande Barragan
  • What is the difference between a girlfriend and a wife? 48 pounds.
  • “Eran 3 amigos y se estrellan y se matan y llega San Pedro, “que bueno que vinieron porque este mes tenemos un especial, vamos a regalarles un carro para que anden por el cielo pero dependiendo que tan fieles fueron en la tierra es el carro que les va a tocar” y llega el primero “Juan, tú fuiste infiel pero te arrepentiste y no lo volviste a hacer, te vamos a dar este jaguar negro.” El segundo llega y le dice “tú fuiste fiel pero acuérdate que también con el pensamiento se peca, en general te portaste bien te vamos a dar este Bugatti rojo.” Y cuando llega el tercero lo ve San Pedro y llama a todos para que vayan a verlo “usted es el hombre más fiel que haya habido, usted se lleva una limusina cubierta en diamantes, con chófer, etc.” cada quien se va por su lado cuando ven que el tercero está llorando, sus amigos le preguntan que pasa a lo que él responde “Mi esposa se murió” pensaron que la esposa no la había hecho al cielo a lo que el respondió que si, entonces cual es el problema?” y él contesta,  es que está manejando un triciclo.”
  • “Cual es la definición entre una suegra y una foca ? una tiene bigotes y huele a pescado y la otra es un animalito que vive en el mar.”
  • “Venia un chavo y tenia un traje lleno de tierra y va llegando  a su casa y va a abrir y le dice la vecina ‘’ hey vecino pues que paso ? que no viene del velorio de su suegra? por que anda todo en terrado ?’’ y el le dice ‘’pues por que no se dejaba.”