Will You Gobble Along?

Will You Gobble Along?

Natalia Diaz and Vanessa Giron


What are you going to do for the vacations of Thanksgiving?



“I’m going to spend time with my family, enjoying the turkey and I am going to go to Swim practice and probably going to the mall with my best friend.”- MIGUEL NAVARRETE, 12.
“I am going to eat turkey at my house and I will practice a lot harder in order for me to swim better now that thanksgiving break is over.”- GERMAN ORTIZ, 11.
“ I want to spend time with my family eating turkey, and I want to eat cheesecake because I don’t like pumpkin pie.”- MICHELLE MORENO, 12.
“I will be with my family, eating all day, enjoying with them and I will travel to Chihuahua to visit some friends”- IVAN ALVAREZ, 10.
“I will be with my family and I will go to visit my family and my grandmother to Michoacan”-JULIANA CORREA, 12.