Favorite Cake?

Faith Hernandez, Writer

“No, I never knew about national chocolate cake day. Well it seems that most of the people like chocolate i think that’s why it has its own day. Well i’m not a big fan of chocolate but i will like to buy one. Vanilla cake would be the best cake to celebrate.”
Mario Ramirez, 11
“No, I didn’t know about it until today that you told me.Just a simple fact that its so popular, like i think most people like chocolate cake. Now that i know there is a national chocolate cake day, yes, I would buy one. Chocolate.”
Ashley Sanchez, 12
“No, I didn’t know about this day.It’s not even important it’s just a simple food a desert. Yeah, i don’t know, its just chocolate.”
Jesus Gonzalez, 12
“No, I didn’t know about it. I guess just because of the fact that people really like chocolate. Yes definitely. I really like pastel de tres leches, so i would be that.
Yesenia Palacios, 12
” Yes, I did know about it. It delicious, very moist. no, I still wouldn’t buy cake on the day. Velvet cake because i’ve always liked the texture and the composition of velvet cake.”
Victor Valenzuela, 12