Boys soccer team reflects on successful season

Xochilth Gaona

Recently, the varsity soccer boys made it to the playoffs after a successful season full of hard work and courage! I interviewed a senior who has been playing varsity soccer at Bowie throughout all high school years, Eduardo Moreno. He is #10 on the field.

Moreno says he feels both happy and excited to have made it this far during these hard times, and remarks he is proud of his and his teammates hard work to achieve this. “We worked hard for this, and I believe the team has always deserved it,” Moreno said.

Moreno mentions that although the team has won big a few other times during his freshman and junior year, they had many more obstacles to face this year. “We had quite a few injuries in the team, and had to be quarantined two times due to COVID,” he said.

Even though they had to face things as a team, it didn’t stop Moreno or his teammates from being successful. There were times where they didn’t think it’d be a good season for them, but it turned out way better than expected thanks to the players’ dedication and strong effort.

“Best thing is that we are champs, proudly representing our school, Bowie,” Moreno said.