Bowie students discuss cafeteria food

Irving Vidal

As the school year progresses, many complaints about the food that cafeteria gives have been heard on campus.

‘’I don’t like it too much, it’s like it doesn’t have taste,’’ Gaby Gaona, 12th, said. There are a variety of comments, but for the most part, they refer to the same idea.

“Honestly, the food doesn’t look much nice…but sometimes it has good taste,” Danae Navarrete, 11th, said.

Some students say the cafeteria food has changed since they returned from virtual learning. “Before COVID, they gave us more variety of food,” Navarrette said.

Many hungry bears say they would like to see more options to choose from. ‘’Change a bit the menu, give different food,’’ Gaona said. “Make better food, (it) should not be too dry and hard.”

However, Bowie cafeteria staff say they don’t get to choose what they serve every day. “We have our bosses that studied nutrition, they were in charge of giving us a worksheet with the equivalents that the students have to eat per day and month,” the main manager of the cafeteria said.

While the menu continues to be a popular topic for discussion, some students would like to improve the cafeteria in other ways. “Improve the time in the lines, and more security to prevent people getting line at the front,” Navarrete said.