The Right Change


Paola Solanes, Staff Writer

Student follows passion as he comes to Bowie, the Growler caught up with him to ask why the sudden change.

He walks slowly as the feeling of excitement rises, as well as the countless thoughts that become present in his mind. He takes a deep breath while feeling the soft breeze pass through his fingers. Surrounded by the sound of laughter he finds comfort in not only finding familiar faces yet new ones that help him find his way through this new experience that is high school.

Josue Reyes, 9, moved to Bowie High School looking for a place to call home. After finishing 8th grade at Guillen middle school Reyes decided to go to Chapin High School. However being there started to become difficult and inconvenient. After half of the semester gone, Reyes took matter into his own hands and took the decision to move to Bowie, where he found what he missed the most.

“I wanted a new change but since it was hard for to be there, with the transportation and everything, I didn’t like it to be honest and it was mainly because i missed my friends and all the friendships that I made in middle school,” Reyes said.

Going through this change was something different for him yet positive. This school is his home and the culture and pride is his favorite thing of the school.

“It really was a big change because not only did I feel comfortable but I felt happy, this is my home,” Reyes said.

He is involved in the Mariachi group as well as the Band of the school. Reyes plays the trumpet which he has been playing since 6th grade and has been an important part of his life. Practice occurs during period 0 and after school.  Being there requires an effort that he accomplish by finding the motive to achieve his goals.   

My motive would be the love that I have for music,” Reyes said.

Reyes believes that playing an instrument is something unique and special.

“I feel like something different because not anyone can play an instrument, playing an instrument like makes you different and special,” Reyes said.

The memories that are been collected through this time are precious for him, with the fact that all the effort he put forth has have paid off.  

“My favorite memory is when we went to Odessa to compete in an area competition, I can tell you that it pay off because of the every morning rehearsals that we had in 0 period, waking up at 6:00 am and that work finally paid off and got us to the next level,” Reyes said.