Opinion: President Trump and the LGBT community


Photo: Politico

Irving Rodriguez

With certain events that have been happening lately with society oppressing certain minorities, I wanted to talk about how Trump’s influence has had a major impact in the LGBT community because of his controversisal mentality.

Many believe that the president was able to influence his supporters into thinking that the LGBT community was going to ruin society, and that it was not normal. In one of the interviews he had on national TV, one of the reporters asked how he felt about the LGBT community to which he replied that he “supports it, but he does not like the idea of gay people around him.”

This led me to interview my best friend, Monet Richardson, who takes part of the LGBT community. As I interviewed her, I was able to acknowledge that she agreed with me that many Trump supporters are racist and homophobic towards different communities, including that of the LGBT.

“I feel that Trump and his supporters are a big problem to our generation because we can’t express ourselves freely due to their harassment,” Richardson said. As we were discussing the major issue of homophobia and racism among many Trump supporters, we were able to identify that a lot of hatred comes from religious groups.

Richardson contends that LGBT people have only helped out the community and we mind our own business. However, many are scared to have a voice when it comes to Trump or his supporters because they are scared of the consequences.

Overall, I believe that the major problem in many supporters is their ideologies that LGBT people are not worth fighting for in the United States.