Mrs. Iniguez’s Beginnings, Success Shape Her Future


Photo by Alexa Ramos

Alexa Ramos and John Chavez

Mrs. Lulu Iniguez is the New Tech science teacher who’s constantly grown to become the teacher she is today, from her humble beginnings to succeeding in an important team project.

“I had very good science teachers, when I was here, my biology teacher was really good, my IPC teacher was really good,” chemistry teacher Mrs. Iniguez said.  

She said that while she was in college, it’s what helped her figure out what she wanted to be. She got inspirations from her teachers to become what she is today.

She said she has multiple cats and dogs, and still has a family to take care of. When she’s done with her school work, she isn’t completely done. When she gets home, her work as a mom begins.

“I am a full-time mom and wife, and that takes a lot of work, because when I get out of here around 4:30, I get home around five, and then I have to cook dinner, I have to feed everybody,” Mrs. Iniguez said.

She has a big duty. She must do a lot of stuff with such little time.

“I have to help my son with school or pick him up from practice, sometimes he’s there until seven o’clock. It’s a big time job,” Mrs. Iniguez said.

She said that her biggest accomplishment was being head coach of the science team. They succeeded because of her leadership.

“I guess when I became when I became the science coach, that was my biggest accomplishment,” Mrs. Iniguez said. “My team was the best team in the district, that was the big accomplishment it was not just me, it was also them.”

Mrs. Iniguez said that when she was younger her biggest challenge was the lack of money. She didn’t have enough money for living, but that didn’t stop her from her wanting to succeed.

“I don’t know if you know anybody that is a single parent. Single parents have to do double duty and sometimes it could be a little bit to stern,” Mrs. Iniguez said.

She was also dealing with bigger challenges that weren’t school related.

“I hated that apartment. It was pretty but I hated it because it was full- it was by the mountains and at night all the scorpions, and centipedes and everything came out, and that was just, oh god it was miserable,” Mrs. Iniguez said.

Mrs. Iniguez said that she loves teaching but its not her biggest passion anymore, she will be doing two years of teaching and will retire to become a great nurse.